September 22, 2015

Energy Drinks Equal Unhealthy Behaviors in Adolescents.

Researchers at the University of Minnesota and Duke University have found an association between the consumption of sports and energy drinks and higher consumption of sugary drinks and smoking. Healthcare professionals are concerned about this growing cluster of unhealthy behaviors among adolescents and believe that a push for healthy hydration habits is needed. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that energy drinks should not be consumed, as they offer no health benefits and over-stimulate the nervous system. Journal of Nutritional Education and Behavior, May 2014
August 25, 2015

Do You Need a Different Pillow to Ease Neck Pain?

Do you suffer from neck pain during sleep or upon waking? Experts from Harvard Medical School recommend sleeping on your back or side, never using a pillow that is too tall or too firm, and using a pillow that keeps your neck straight if you are a side sleeper and supports the normal forward curve of your neck when sleeping on your back. Harvard Medical School, July 2015