March 16, 2017

This headache is a real pain in the neck!

Most headaches can be linked to a problem in the spine, and very often, not always, that problem is in the neck.  It is amazing to me how often people will suffer with chronic headaches (even migraines) and continue to take pills to “manage” the pain without having their spine checked to see if there is a structural component to their headaches.  Don’t trust your family physician to tell you if there is a problem in the spine.  See a chiropractic physician, who is a spine specialist, to know if correcting the spine will get rid of the headaches, and […]
February 16, 2017

Added Sugars May Be a Significant Contributor to High Blood Pressure.

Added sugars may matter more than dietary sodium when it comes to the risk of developing hypertension and cardiovascular disease. A new study found that individuals whose daily intake of calories from added sugar account for 25% of their total caloric intake have nearly a three times greater risk of death due to cardiovascular disease. Open Heart, December 2014 Heart disease, cancer and stroke are all linked to obesity.  Obesity is linked to intake of processed sugars.  We eat way too many foods from boxes, bags and cans, all of which contain, if not sugar, other toxic chemicals that destroy […]
February 11, 2017

Syringomyelia, Arnold-Chiari malformation and Spinal Manipulation.

Syringomyelia is a disorder in which a cyst forms within the spinal cord, and Arnold Chiari malformations are structural defects that result in the cerebellum and brain stem being pushed downward into the spinal column. Past research has reported that these conditions may be considered contraindications for spinal manipulation. However, a recent case study found skilled spinal manipulation to be both safe and effective in the treatment of an 18-year-old women with both of the above mentioned conditions who suffered from neck and left arm pain after a motor vehicle accident. After four treatments in two weeks, she was asymptomatic, which continued […]
February 9, 2017

Higher Fast-Food Consumption Equals Poor Academic Outcomes.

The academic progress of children may be influenced by fast food intake, according to a new study. Investigators observed that children who consume fast food four-to-six times a week or every day score up to 20% lower on math, reading, and science tests during eighth grade than their peers who do not eat any fast food. Researcher Dr. Katy Purtell explains, “There’s a lot of evidence that fast-food consumption is linked to childhood obesity, but the problems don’t end there. Relying too much on fast food could hurt how well children do in the classroom.” Clinical Pediatrics, December 2014 Fast […]
January 18, 2017

Can a Chiropractic Adjustment Reduce Resting Pulse Rate?

A recent small preliminary study revealed that skilled spinal manipulation to treat joint fixations in the neck lowered the pulse rate of three-quarters of the men and about a one-third of the women who participated in the study. While it’s unclear as to why males benefited to a greater degree than females, this finding adds to the body of evidence that enhancing nervous system function through spinal manipulation can improve body physiologies controlled by the nervous system, such as resting pulse rate. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, March 2014 If you have high blood pressure, or a rapid pulse, call […]