March 16, 2017

This headache is a real pain in the neck!

Most headaches can be linked to a problem in the spine, and very often, not always, that problem is in the neck.  It is amazing to me how often people will suffer with chronic headaches (even migraines) and continue to take pills to “manage” the pain without having their spine checked to see if there is a structural component to their headaches.  Don’t trust your family physician to tell you if there is a problem in the spine.  See a chiropractic physician, who is a spine specialist, to know if correcting the spine will get rid of the headaches, and […]
January 13, 2017

Technology Use Can Increase Risk of Neck Pain.

Experts are concerned that the increasing prevalence of technology may result in more pain among frequent users. Dr. Kenneth Hansray recently studied the issue of poor posture and how it affects the body, especially when using a cell phone or smart device. When the neck is in a neutral position, the head weighs about 12 pounds (~5.4 kg). Dr. Hansray found that when the head is tilted 15 degrees forward, stress on the neck increases to 27 pounds (~12.2 kg), at 45 degrees it increases to 49 pounds (~22.2 kg), and at 60 degrees it increases to 60 pounds (~27.2 […]
November 30, 2016

It’s beginning to look a lot like whiplash.

As we enter this winter season, we will no doubt see many car accidents.  Many will be somewhat minor in terms of vehicle damage.  Do not let the minimal vehicle damage fool you.  In an accident, your body can experience tremendous “G” forces in a manner of a fraction of a second, and this can cause damage that if not immediately, will eventually be debilitating. Learn more about the hidden injuries sustained in car accidents.  Call for a free brochure, 801-955-1555.  Or you could just come in for a free consultation.  Call today, and either way get the information that […]
November 29, 2016

Is your chiropractor an expensive aspirin?

Most people seek chiropractic care when they have pain.  Yes, I said “most”, because, believe it or not, there are people who see a chiropractor on a regular basis regardless of the presence or absence of pain. Pain is nothing more than a symptom, but we are programmed in our society to focus on the symptom.  This is the medical model, and because insurance companies are owned and operated by medical doctors, it is the insurance model.  If you do not have symptoms, you do not need care.  If you do have symptoms, than care should be focused on getting rid […]
August 22, 2016

Maybe it “WON’T” go away!

Often people come in to my office after suffering with a particular pain for months.  They usually make the statement that they kept telling themselves that “maybe it will go away.”  I had one patient recently that had suffered for 20 years with low back pain, all the while telling himself that it might go away.  Common sense should tell us that a problem will not go away until what is causing the problem goes away. We pride ourselves on finding the cause and correcting that.  This allows the body to heal itself, and when the cause is gone, the […]