February 3, 2016

Work-Related Back Pain Risk Factors Can Lead to Back Pain During Retirement.

French researchers followed over 1,500 older men for a decade and found that those who worked at jobs with high amounts of bending and twisting were 50-70% more likely to experience back pain during retirement than their peers who retired from jobs that didn’t involve such occupational exposure to bending and twisting. The researchers advise that companies should take greater measures in the workplace to decrease or eliminate biomechanical hazards such as bending and twisting in order to help ensure better health for their employees later in life.  International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, September 2014 Is your job a pain […]
January 30, 2016

Trigeminal Neuralgia Resolves Following Chiropractic Care.

This case study involves a 77-year-old female with a seven-year history of severe right-sided trigeminal neuralgia. Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensation from the face to the brain. Chiropractic care was used to correct joint fixations, and the patient was advised to take omega-3 fatty acid and vitamin D supplements. After six visits, the patient noted a significant improvement in pain and after four months, she discontinued her previously prescribed medication. At six months, she was pain-free. The case demonstrates the benefit of chiropractic care in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. […]
January 28, 2016

1 in 5 Americans Experience Chronic Pain.

A new survey involving roughly 35,000 households in the United States reveals that nearly 20% of Americans suffer with chronic pain. Among individuals with chronic pain, more than two-thirds have constant pain, while more than 50% say their pain can be unbearable and excruciating at times. Medications only relieve about a third or less of the chronic pain and can be completely ineffective in treating some types of chronic pain. The author suggests a variety of potential interventions, including physical and occupational therapy, exercise, dietary changes, weight loss, massage and psychotherapy, acupuncture, yoga, and chiropractic services to help patients manage […]
January 25, 2016

Thoracic Adjustments Help Low Back Pain Patients.

Chronic low back pain patients who received spinal manipulation treatment in the mid-back region of the spine reported improved range of motion and function when compared with a control group. Furthermore, the patients who received thoracic spinal manipulation also scored lower on the Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ). This is good news because higher FABQ scores have been correlated with reduced activity levels, avoidance behaviors, prolonged disability, and adverse physical and psychological effects. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, November 2014
January 21, 2016

How Common is Back Pain in Kids?

It is known that back pain occurs in children, but its development in this age group isn’t well understood. A new study finds that 13-38% of children ages 6-12 years old report back pain at least once per year and 5-23% report a minimum of two episodes of back pain per year. The findings reveal that back pain is not a common problem in children and health professionals should be watchful if a child presents with constant or recurring back pain. Further study is needed regarding the circumstance surrounding the appearance of back pain in childhood as well as how […]