February 9, 2017

Higher Fast-Food Consumption Equals Poor Academic Outcomes.

The academic progress of children may be influenced by fast food intake, according to a new study. Investigators observed that children who consume fast food four-to-six times a week or every day score up to 20% lower on math, reading, and science tests during eighth grade than their peers who do not eat any fast food. Researcher Dr. Katy Purtell explains, “There’s a lot of evidence that fast-food consumption is linked to childhood obesity, but the problems don’t end there. Relying too much on fast food could hurt how well children do in the classroom.” Clinical Pediatrics, December 2014 Fast […]
January 19, 2017

Dentists Get Neck Pain Too!

Surveys completed by 272 dentists (121 females and 151 males) in China revealed that 88% suffer from at least one musculoskeletal disorder, with neck pain being the most common complaint. The researchers cite work-related stress as the most prominent psychosocial factor related to neck pain. However, they also note that regular exercise — which has been demonstrated to minimize the effect of stress on the body — appears to be associated with decreased neck pain severity. BMJ Open, December 2014 Do your dentist a favor, if he has neck pain, have him give us a call.  801-955-1555
January 18, 2017

Can a Chiropractic Adjustment Reduce Resting Pulse Rate?

A recent small preliminary study revealed that skilled spinal manipulation to treat joint fixations in the neck lowered the pulse rate of three-quarters of the men and about a one-third of the women who participated in the study. While it’s unclear as to why males benefited to a greater degree than females, this finding adds to the body of evidence that enhancing nervous system function through spinal manipulation can improve body physiologies controlled by the nervous system, such as resting pulse rate. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, March 2014 If you have high blood pressure, or a rapid pulse, call […]
January 13, 2017

Technology Use Can Increase Risk of Neck Pain.

Experts are concerned that the increasing prevalence of technology may result in more pain among frequent users. Dr. Kenneth Hansray recently studied the issue of poor posture and how it affects the body, especially when using a cell phone or smart device. When the neck is in a neutral position, the head weighs about 12 pounds (~5.4 kg). Dr. Hansray found that when the head is tilted 15 degrees forward, stress on the neck increases to 27 pounds (~12.2 kg), at 45 degrees it increases to 49 pounds (~22.2 kg), and at 60 degrees it increases to 60 pounds (~27.2 […]
January 12, 2017

Resolution of T4 Syndrome with Chiropractic Care.

T4 syndrome is a condition that typically presents with upper mid back pain, bilateral paresthesia, and numbness in the hands with no neurological or vascular signs. The cause appears to be related to lack of proper motion or joint fixations in the thoracic vertebra, which may refer symptoms into the arms. In a recent case study, a 64-year-old woman with symptoms consistent with T4 syndrome saw resolution of her symptoms following a course of chiropractic care that aimed to restore joint motion in her mid back. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, September 2014 If you are having mid back pain, […]