September 2, 2015

Adjustments Resolve Breastfeeding Problems.

A mother brought her four-week-old baby in for a chiropractic consultation regarding the baby’s inability to effectively latch onto her left breast when trying to breastfeed. Following an assessment, the infant received gentle adjustments to the neck and jaw to reduce muscle tightness and improve range of motion. The baby was then able to breastfeed on the left breast without issues. Further research is warranted to fully understand the implications of birth trauma and impaired function or dysfunction in breastfeeding. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic, July 2015
November 18, 2009

Why do medical doctors dicourage patients from seeing chiropractors?

Even today, many medical practitioners will try to scare patients away from seeing a chiropractor. They do not tell the patient that over 400 thousand people die each year from complications of conventional medical care. Only a chiropractor is qualified to determin what is or is not safe to adjust.
November 4, 2009

Chiropractic Promotes Health.

Chiropractic is mainstream medicine, but it is natural health care, why?  Because it focuses on restoring the body’s own recuperative ability and then allowing the body to heel.  Where does health come from?  Health is not in a bottle or a syringe.  Health does not come from the removal of an organ.  Health is the optimal function and well being of the individual.  Life choices that lead to a feeling of well being, and the optimal function of the organs will lead to health.  Regular chiropractic care is one of those life choices.  It releases the flow of nerve energy […]
October 26, 2009


We are all concerned about the outbreak of the swine flu.  Now there is concern about “Tamiflu”, the antiviral drug used to treat the swine flu.  Researchers are telling us that the use of this drug will lead to a drug resistant strain of the virus.  The active ingredient in the Tamiflu drug is excreted in urine and feces, and does not break down in the water treatment process.  This leads to a concentration of this drug in our water ways.  As birds drink this water, it will kill the non-resistant strain of the virus, and allow the restant strain […]
October 14, 2009

Utah Auto Accident Attorney Says LDS Church is Reason for Low Settlements in Utah.

People with pioneer ancestry in Utah may be prone to think that vicims of car crashes need to tuffin up. This may be why juries in Utah award such low settlements to the vicims.