November 29, 2016

Is your chiropractor an expensive aspirin?

Most people seek chiropractic care when they have pain.  Yes, I said “most”, because, believe it or not, there are people who see a chiropractor on a regular basis regardless of the presence or absence of pain. Pain is nothing more than a symptom, but we are programmed in our society to focus on the symptom.  This is the medical model, and because insurance companies are owned and operated by medical doctors, it is the insurance model.  If you do not have symptoms, you do not need care.  If you do have symptoms, than care should be focused on getting rid […]
August 22, 2016

Maybe it “WON’T” go away!

Often people come in to my office after suffering with a particular pain for months.  They usually make the statement that they kept telling themselves that “maybe it will go away.”  I had one patient recently that had suffered for 20 years with low back pain, all the while telling himself that it might go away.  Common sense should tell us that a problem will not go away until what is causing the problem goes away. We pride ourselves on finding the cause and correcting that.  This allows the body to heal itself, and when the cause is gone, the […]
August 15, 2016

When the crunch happens.

No matter how minor a car crash is, you should be checked by a certified automobile accident occupant injury specialist. You may have soft tissue injuries that, if not treated,could lead to debilitating pain and long term damage. Call us today for a free consultation at 801-955-1555. If you are injured, your insurance will cover your examining and treatment. So call now 801-955-1555 and tell us that you got crunched.
February 8, 2016

Physical Fitness Can Prevent Some Musculoskeletal Injuries.

Brazilian researchers found that out-of-shape workers in jobs with light physical demands are 3.19 times more likely to suffer from neck, shoulder, or upper-back injuries when compared with co-workers who are in shape. However, physical fitness appears to have no protective effect for workers in jobs with heavy physical demands. Cadernos De Saud Publica, October 2014. Get relief today!  Call 801-955-1555  
February 3, 2016

Work-Related Back Pain Risk Factors Can Lead to Back Pain During Retirement.

French researchers followed over 1,500 older men for a decade and found that those who worked at jobs with high amounts of bending and twisting were 50-70% more likely to experience back pain during retirement than their peers who retired from jobs that didn’t involve such occupational exposure to bending and twisting. The researchers advise that companies should take greater measures in the workplace to decrease or eliminate biomechanical hazards such as bending and twisting in order to help ensure better health for their employees later in life.  International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, September 2014 Is your job a pain […]