If you go to Vegas and gamble, who do you think will win?  The house always wins!  That is why they can afford all of the big buildings.  We are deceiving ourselves if we think that it is any different with insurance.  Face it, insurance companies are like any other business.  They are in business to turn a profit, and they cannot do that paying out huge payments for medical bills.  This is why we have co-pays, deductibles and managed care.  The insurance companies have calculated just how best to mitigate their risk and set the terms of your policy to make sure that they make a profit on your money.  I’m not saying that they are evil, or that they are doing anything wrong, I just don’t think that we realize what insurance is.  We have in our mind some idea that the insurance company is interested in our health, and quite simply, they are not.  So when we allow insurance companies to decide what healthcare we do or do not get, we lose.  Plain and simple, we lose because we still pay our co-pay and deductible, and we wind up no better off health wise and in many instances, worse off.  Use your health insurance for catastrophic events, but not for routine healthcare.  Because they just do not cover true healthcare.

We accept most major medical policies, and all auto policies.  However, we also recognize that they will not pay for restorative care, but only relief care, so we customize our care plans so that anyone who truly desires to get well can.  Call us today for a free consultation.  801-955-1555.  We can talk with you about your condition, your insurance, and what we can do to help restore your health.  Call now 801-955-1555.  Mention this blog and receive free x-rays.  Call 801-955-1555 now.