First of all, let me assure you that most insurance companies pay for chiropractic care.  But what is needed for your care to be covered.  If you have a life insurance policy, than you have to die to cash in on that policy.  If you have automobile insurance, (I hope that you do) you have to have an accident to cash in on that policy.  For you to use your health insurance for your chiropractic care than you have to have a symptom.  As I have discussed in multiple earlier blogs, symptoms are the last thing to show up when there is a problem, and the first thing to go away when the problem is being fixed.  This means that after you begin care, the symptom will go away before the problem is completely corrected.  Therefore you will have some out of pocket expense.  If you choose to let the insurance company decide your level of health, than you will be using chiropractic as a very expensive aspirin, which after a while will stop working and you will be moving on to surgery.

With or without insurance, surgery is a very costly and risky prospect.  You will no doubt have a deductible, or co-insurance as well as the down time for recovery.  My research shows that the average out of pocket expense for back or neck surgery, with insurance, is $20,000.  A very long and extensive corrective care plan in a chiropractic office (a years worth of care) would cost you roughly $5000. out of pocket with no down time for recovery.  After that, maintenance care, which is 1 to 2 visits per month will cost you anywhere from $50 to $140 per month.  That is 10 years of good quality chiropractic care with good health and no down time for the same price as a surgery that is risky, painful, and may or may not work.

So where is the cost of getting chiropractic care?  “cost” is different than “price”.  A price is something that you give in exchange for something of equal or greater value.  With a price, there is no loss.  A cost is a loss of value.  You give something for something of lesser value.  With chiropractic care you exchange your money for improved health and longevity.   If you do not get chiropractic care, in order to save the money, than eventually you will be exchanging your money for pain, surgery, down time, and very possibly no benefit.  Which one has a price and which one has a cost?